Leverage a full spectrum of sunlight reflected from the innovative system and reduce your CO2 footprint significantly
No running costs associated and a quick return on investment from energy- and manual labour savings
PAR-light where needed
Remarkably increase the amount of sunlight projected to the pitch
- even in shaded areas
The system is designed and built with advanced automation and an intelligent control system

Second Sun for stadiums
Having a high quality pitch is important for any outdoor sports stadium. To have a high quality pitch, you need to provide the necessary components for the grass to grow. Today artificial light is used to provide two of these components: Warmth and light. This is a very expensive and unsustainable solution. Second Sun is your new sustainable, automated and cost-efficient solution to a high quality pitch. The Second Sun system reduces the need for the use of artificial light significantly. It is a uniquely designed, automated set of mirrors, located on the edge of the roof, which reflects the sun onto a desired area of the pitch.
We have created a short video, explaining the basics of our product